Tips For Finding Employment For Graduates Of New College

College graduates may be in a series of questions to race: it makes sense to work with a large change in a new city, if you have a job? How to negotiate wages? E unpaid right?

To shed light on these issues, seeking advice from many experts of the college formed soon.

If you follow the boy / girl from another city, if you have a job?

"Love is a beautiful thing. However, kicking down the street without money or friends are not," said Jason Levin, district manager of the career site "Moving to a new city is a lot of risks, especially if you are a person."

Before the operation, as the bills are paid, "said Levin.

"You really talk about money, who pays for what, until you find a job," said Levin. "You want a boy / girl must be patient until you find a job. Make sure you have money in half and a clear exit plan if things go south."

Graduates should ensure there is the possibility of new partners, "said Jennifer Grasz, a spokeswoman for

"If you have a job, but the prospects for what you want to achieve a professional and personal development may be the right decision," says Read more:. mobile work is risky.

And "This is a good idea to take unpaid internships, and for how long?

Working for free for a short term value, "says Charles Purdy, editor of the site

"It's important for young people to adopt a vision throughout his career, and consider the benefits of a practice - experiences, networks, etc. - instead of an immediate economic benefit," said Purdy "East know how long leave without pay. placement may depend. largely on your financial situation and the nature of the course. "

Some areas offer only unpaid internships, "said Levine." They are a great way to gain experience, "he said." While you can afford not to be paid for it until you find a paid job. "

E 'economically feasible to achieve the degree?

While a degree does not guarantee better income, more education tends to improve income and employment prospects. However, a master's or doctorate is not for everyone, "said Purdy.

"If you know what career you do, you can find guides in this area of ​​interviewing and counseling program specific," he said. "According to the race ... Perhaps more education, special education or the workplace and beyond."

Young workers need a "professional self-awareness," says Levin, and should be related to the conditions in which they operate.

"When you begin to answer these questions, certain occupations, industries and professions are visible," said Levin. "When you refine your approach so you can see if people are successful in these areas has a master, and if a salary that is profitable for thee."

Despite having a job outside the field that you want?

As for the candidates after the last time to consider a job outside your field to acquire the necessary skills, "said Purdy.

"Think of your resume or a biographical work, narrative is not always linear," said Purdy. "For example, if you are a journalist with a marketing agreement with a provider six months to go ... Even if you have to work to pay your bills, you can use free time to begin a career in finding internship opportunities Breakfast - or volunteer time, for example. "

In some areas it is particularly difficult during the recession, and the workers had the ability to synthesize, but the change is not always a bad thing, "said Grasz. CareerBuilder survey shows that many workers were laid off last year found new employment in new areas.

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